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Beloved Ones,

It has been almost a year since we started worshipping in our homes, away from our sanctuary.  For many of us the entire past year has felt like the season of Lent. In the season of Lent we are reminded, again and again, that suffering and brokenness finds us.  We doubt again, we lament again, we mess up again.  And every year, again and again, the story of Jesus on the cross repeats-every time lives are taken unjustly, every time the powerful choose corruption and violence, every time individuals forget how to love.  Yet, in the midst of the chaos in our lives, God offers us a sacred refrain: “I choose you, I love you, I will lead you to repair.”  Again and again, God breaks the cycle and offers us a new way forward. 


Even though we will be worshipping apart, we can come to God again and again with our prayers, our dreams, our hopes, and our doubts.  We will continue to be community to one another-especially when it’s hard-by choosing each other again and again.  We will continue to love God with that same persistence that God chooses and claims us with.  

I pray that this season of Lent will be one that provides a path for us to bring all of who we are to God, and allows us to trust that God will meet us, again and again, along the way.


Blessings, Pastor Sara

 All Things Lent Worship


  • Worship will be streamed live from the sanctuary on the Church’s Facebook page on Sunday mornings beginning just before 10am.


  • ***If you do not have Facebook and would like to worship in “real time” you may log into the Zoom meeting.***  Please keep in mind that our digital deacons will not be able to interact with you in this way.  Your mics will be muted and your video will be off.  Here is the link and passcode to join:


 Worship for Lent   Passcode: __________


This link will remain the same for the entire Lenten and Easter season. 

A video of each service will also be sent out on Sunday afternoon.


~As part of our worship service each week there will be a “Time for Healing”.  This time will be a brief message for all ages and will utilize some household items.  A list of items will go out in the Eblast each week during Lent.



Worship at Home Kit

  • Sign up for a worship at home kit that includes: a wooden ampersand (&), adult devotional booklet, strips of plastic for our community prayer art installation (more on that below), devotional cards (if you choose), an at home Ash Wednesday service liturgy, and items for a Maundy Thursday service which will be streamed on April 14 at 7pm.


You may also sign up for a Family Lent at Home packet that includes six 15 minute sessions that you could do each week during Lent.  


 Use this link to make your request: Lent At Home Kit sign up


How you can be involved

Email Pastor Sara the title of your favorite hymn-one that you go to again and again to feel God’s presence.


  • Lenten Bible Study-begins on Tuesday, February 23rd and will meet for 6 Tuesdays at 7pm via Zoom until 3/30. Let Pastor Sara know if you’re interested. 

  • Record yourself reading scripture to be used in worship on Sundays. 

  • Sign up to receive the Lenten Daily Devotionals and set aside time each day to connect with God and yourself.

  • Watch the Lenten Daily Devotionals on the church Facebook page

  • Contribute to the Prayer Art Installation:

This Lent, we invite you to come to God in prayer again and again, weaving your prayers in with those of our larger community. Woven together, our prayers form the shape of an ampersand, an ancient symbol that, used here, represents God’s holy “and.” When we feel helpless and hopeless, God’s holy “and” encourages us to lift our weary eyes to search for more. In a culture overrun by extremes, either/or thinking, and polarizing politics, this holy & reminds us that we are always more—that there is always more. We are broken & beautiful. Joy & grief can coexist. Historical, systemic oppression persists & God is guiding us closer to liberation and wholeness. This Lent, let us practice the power of "and"—especially when "again?!" feels like our never-ending cry of lament. Within the ampersand, our prayers are held together and transformed into beauty.


We invite you to add your prayers to our wall. There are several types of prayer: supplication, adoration, confession, thanksgiving, lament, and intersession. Consider the type of prayer you need at this moment—or offer a prayer of each kind. We invite you to offer as many prayers as you need, returning to this wall as often as possible. On a prayer strip (provided at the prayer wall and also in the Worship at Home Kit), write a word or phrase to represent your prayer to God. Then weave it inside the ampersand shape, adding it to the prayers of our larger community. Again and again, God hears your prayers. God hears your cries. God knows you and sees you—fully. Thanks be to God


Ash Wednesday

  • March 2: The Ash Wednesday worship at home kit will include a liturgy for an at home worship service as well as ashes that you can apply.


Palm Sunday

  • April 10: Palms will be available to pick up at the church. Pastor Sara will also be putting together something creative for worship. Stay tuned for information on how you can take part!


Maundy Thursday

  • Maundy Thursday Service 7pm, April 14: This service will be streamed live from the Sanctuary and then emailed to everyone afterwards.  The worship at home kit will also include materials that will enhance this worship service if you desire. 


Easter Sunday

  • Easter Sunday, April 17: More information will be coming as Easter gets closer.  Here are some ideas in the works:

  • Sunrise service

  • ”Greening” the cross that will be displayed in front of our church

  • A Virtual “Easter Pageant”


Church of Christ Congregational

5 Old Middle Street, P.O. Box 216, Goshen, CT 06756

860.491.2793  ~



  • Office closed on Monday & Friday (Sat. & Sun.)

Pastor's Office Hours - by appointment only during these ever changing times of pandemic. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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