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The Church of Christ Congregational supplies weekend food bags each Friday of the school year to those who request to receive them. The food bags will contain nonperishable food items for breakfast and lunch meals, for both Saturday and Sunday.


Only the church’s Pastor, who will also serve as the

parent liaison, and possibly the school administration,

will be aware of recipients.


Please answer the brief survey below to sign up.

If you have any questions please email Pastor Sara,

or call 860.491.2793

Mary Cassatt Mother Feeding Child.jpg

Church of Christ Congregational

5 Old Middle Street, P.O. Box 216, Goshen, CT 06756

860.491.2793  ~



  • Office closed on Monday & Friday (Sat. & Sun.)

Pastor's Office Hours - by appointment only during these ever changing times of pandemic. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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